How Smoking Affects the Way You Look
Tobacco smoking seriously affects internal organs, particularly the heart and lungs, but it also affects a person’s appearance. While these changes are generally not as life threatening as heart and lung disease, they can, nevertheless
Never too Late to Quit Shisha Smoking
Most shisha smokers do believe that the harm inflicted to their bodies from smoking can never be undone even if they decide to clean up their act. As a result, they will end up even more addicted to the habit. But is it really too late for them to quit shisha smoking?
Planning To Quit Smoking Shisha
The decision to quit smoking Shisha is one that only you can make. Other people may want you to quit, but the real commitment must come from you. Your willingness to give up smoking Shisha will make all the difference. Think about why you want to quit smoking Shisha. Are you worried that you could …
Effects of Second-hand Smoke in the Home
The dangers of exposure to second-hand smoke are well established and it has been against the law to smoke in a work or enclosed public place in the United Kingdom since July 2007. However, measures to reduce exposure to second-hand smoke in the home have received little attention, despite the fact that for many people, …